submariner|submariners in English


crew member of a submarine

Use "submariner|submariners" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "submariner|submariners" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "submariner|submariners", or refer to the context using the word "submariner|submariners" in the English Dictionary.

1. Tales of a cold war submariner.

2. Bubblehead OUTFITTERS: Custom embroidery done by a retired submariner

3. A Submariner with a lock pick hidden inside.

4. You were a radioman before you were a submariner, Matt.

5. It features a drawing of Barbel on a blue sea beneath the submariners' dolphins

6. David Percy-Griffiths, Gilston, Herts Yes, but it is the submariners that pong.

7. Fifty-five Japanese airmen and nine submariners were killed in the attack, and one was captured.

8. One of the deepest moral submariners is Richard Jemmons, the fictional version of campaign strategist James Carville.

9. For a submariner, he had committed a grievous act -- mixing alcohol with duty.

10. 2 Ocean Recon has been developed to provide detailed insights into what life is like as a Navy Submariner in the ADF.

11. Bushy eyebrows, a pair of steel - rimmed glasses and an old - fashioned salt-and-pepper beard gave him the look of a submariner from the First World War.

12. 2004, David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas: I rather enjoyed it, but my niece said Audrey Hepburn was a “Bubblehead”.· (slang) A submariner; bubble-head.· (slang) A navy hard hat or salvage diver (inspired by the shape of the old spun-copper diving helmet).

13. The word Bubblehead can mean: Slang for "overly happy/friendly person" or "stupid/foolish person" US military slang for a submariner US military slang for a naval salvage diver based on the spun copper diving helmets they used to wear

14. If the Bezel design is slightly more complex — modern Rolex Submariners, for instance, feature not only the spring ring, but an additional, L-shaped spring, and a Bezel broken into two parts (an insert and the Bezel itself) — you may need a professional to refit it for you.